
  • 4.5

  • 12+ AGE


  • 4.5

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Jun 13, 2023

  • Platform: Android IOS

  • Current Version: 2.0.87

  • Size: 96.47 MB

  • Developer: ZigZaGame Inc.

  • Ratings: 4.5

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Step into a realm of fantasy and adventure with Evertale, a captivating mobile game that blends captivating graphics with engaging gameplay. Developed by ZigZaGame, this immersive experience invites you to explore a world teeming with mythical creatures, strategic battles, and an epic storyline.
What captivates users most about Evertale is its rich narrative and captivating graphics. The game boasts a vast and intricately designed fantasy world, complete with a diverse cast of characters and creatures. The allure lies in the immersive storyline, where you'll join a group of heroes on a quest to save the world from a dark and powerful force. The game's visually stunning graphics and attention to detail bring the fantasy world to life, enhancing the overall experience.
Guide your experience in Evertale by assembling a formidable team of characters, each with unique abilities and strengths. Experiment with different party compositions and tactics to maximize your chances of victory in turn-based battles. The game introduces you to a variety of creatures that can be captured and trained, adding an element of strategy and collection to the gameplay.
Among the challenges, the most demanding aspect emerges in mastering the intricacies of team synergy and battle strategy. As you progress, battles become progressively more challenging, requiring careful planning and adaptation to enemy tactics. The game's strategic depth and evolving difficulty keep you engaged as you work to develop your team's skills and face off against formidable foes.
Evertale invites you to immerse yourself in a world of fantasy and strategic battles, all while enjoying the captivating graphics that bring the adventure to life. Immerse yourself in the visually stunning landscapes and dynamic combat that celebrate the essence of classic RPGs. Are you ready to join the ranks of legendary heroes, embark on an epic journey, and uncover the secrets of Evertale in a game that captures the spirit of immersive fantasy storytelling?



Please Rate This Game

  • Grace Mitchell

    So far, this game has been very enjoyable. There seems to be a good, solid story line, and the characters are fun and lively. The drawback so far, is the lack of tutorial on some issues and a lack of funds for the card evolutions. The game does provide a fair amount of items for evolution, but there seem to be no way to earn the gold needed to perform the evolution. Aside from that, after finishing chapter 1, I am looking forward to continung the adventure.

  • Tyler Allen

    I love this game. Value for entertainment, it can't be beat. There's a fun story, cool characters, and excellent strategic game play. My only complaint is that the mana (time based) cost for challenges starts to become prohibitive once you're playing the online story mode on Hard. You can get by without buying the premium currency, but when you can only play a few challenges a day, it makes it hard to earn through play. I wish they'd remove mana and let you play as much as you want but I love it.

  • Natalie Robinson

    New to the game but so far good graphics, good soundtrack, nostalgic feel yet a brand new world. Mechanically, this game has a lot of depth and I truly feel like it (the pve I've played so far) is skill-based and not dependant on boring grinding. Building the right team is critical to success and having to manage resources with a very dynamic turn order during combat makes this game a lot of fun. Unlike many mobile games, it's not just a time-filler. It's actually fun and challenging.

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