
  • 4.8

  • 17+ AGE


  • 4.8

  • 17+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Mar 12, 2023

  • Platform: Android

  • Current Version: 1.2.2

  • Size: 68 MB

  • Developer: Pierre VANDERMAESEN

  • Ratings: 4.8

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Discover the enchanting world of Tinyfolks, a delightful mobile game that beckons you into a realm of miniature wonder. Crafted by a dedicated team of developers, this charming game invites you to nurture and care for a bustling community of adorable tiny creatures, each brimming with personality and charm.
What captures users' hearts is the game's endearing cast of characters and its captivating graphics. Immerse yourself in a world where charming little creatures, known as Tinyfolks, roam and interact in a vibrant environment. The meticulously designed graphics capture every nuance of these pint-sized personalities, from their joyful dances to their endearing expressions. The allure lies in the heartwarming stories that unfold as you guide these creatures on their journey through life.
Your role as a caretaker resonates deeply, appealing to users' nurturing instincts. Adopt, feed, and engage with a variety of Tinyfolks, each with unique needs and desires. Customize their homes, helping them flourish in cozy habitats tailored to their preferences. The sense of accomplishment that comes from watching your Tinyfolks grow and thrive forms an emotional bond that keeps players engaged and invested.
Embark on a guided journey through the world of Tinyfolks, where you'll learn the art of nurturing and fostering a harmonious community. Attend to the Tinyfolks' needs, from feeding and bathing to playing and socializing. As you invest time and care, watch friendships bloom and witness heartwarming interactions that illuminate the intricacies of their lives. The game's intuitive mechanics and user-friendly interface make it accessible to players of all ages.
Within this charming world, challenges arise, and the most demanding aspect emerges in managing the delicate balance of resources and time. Ensuring your Tinyfolks' happiness while keeping their homes well-maintained requires strategic planning and thoughtful decision-making. As the community expands, multitasking and prioritizing tasks become essential, creating a delightful yet challenging puzzle that keeps players engaged.



Please Rate This Game

  • Sarah Jones

    This is a bite-sized, Gameboy aesthetic darkest dungeon! It doesn't have ads or predatory gameplay, and the combat is in depth enough to be engaging the whole way through. It has some replayability, too, and I'll probably use it as a time waster for a while! It takes about 2-3 hours to beat it. I liked it so much I turned around and purchased it on steam too!

  • Michael Brown

    Thanks for such an awesome little gem of a game! This is an excellent time killer. The art-style reminiscent of the original gameboy, with some color splashed in to highlight details. The inclusion of a "Infinite Time" option so you can experiment! And multiple difficulties to sate the more hardcore players. I could go on about all the things I enjoy! If you like semi-deep turn-based games in a similar vein to Darkest Dungeon, then this is your stop.

  • Jessica Williams

    This game is great, there's just a small glitch. When retreating from an area and coming back to fight it again, and then beating it, I came back and had String in my inventory. But it was at ×0, and selling it made the String go into the negatives, letting me sell it presumably infinite times for infinite Gold. This is still a game worth every penny though.

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