Age of Origins

  • Adventure CATEGORY
  • 3.9

  • 12+ AGE

Age of Origins

  • Adventure CATEGORY
  • 3.9

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Aug 3, 2023

  • Platform: Android IOS

  • Current Version: 1.3.669

  • Size: 985MB

  • Developer: CamelStudio

  • Ratings: 3.9

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Age of Origins is a captivating and immersive video game that takes players on a journey through different eras of history, allowing them to shape civilizations and witness the evolution of societies. Developed by Horizon Interactive, the game combines elements of strategy, simulation, and role-playing, offering players the chance to build, expand, and guide civilizations from their earliest beginnings to advanced stages of development.Age of Origins was introduced to the gaming world in October 2022 for various gaming platforms. The game belongs to the simulation and strategy genres, but it sets itself apart by encompassing multiple historical periods and providing players with the opportunity to make pivotal decisions that shape the course of history. With its expansive gameplay and focus on civilization management, the game has captured the attention of history enthusiasts and strategy aficionados alike.
One of the game's primary strengths is its meticulous attention to historical accuracy and detail. Players are not only tasked with building and expanding civilizations, but they must also adapt to the technological advancements, societal changes, and challenges unique to each era. This emphasis on authenticity adds depth to the gameplay, immersing players in a dynamic representation of history.Age of Origins also excels in offering a sense of agency and choice. As players guide their civilizations, they must make decisions that influence the course of history, affecting factors such as politics, diplomacy, and culture. This interactivity allows players to experience the thrill of being a key figure in shaping the destiny of their chosen civilization.
While Age of Origins does not focus on individual characters in the traditional sense, players assume the role of a guiding force for their civilization. Each civilization comes with its own unique characteristics, strengths, and challenges. From ancient tribes struggling for survival to advanced empires aiming for global dominance, players must adapt their strategies to fit the context of each era.
The game is divided into levels that correspond to different historical periods. These levels offer distinct challenges and opportunities, as players navigate through changing landscapes, evolving technologies, and shifting political dynamics. The transition from one era to another brings new gameplay mechanics, ensuring that the experience remains fresh and engaging.
As players progress through the levels, they unlock new technologies, buildings, and cultural advancements. Managing resources, making strategic decisions, and maintaining a delicate balance between growth and stability are essential for the civilization's success.



Please Rate This Game

  • Charlotte

    Great idea, but Buggy. I appreciate the complexity of the game and the social aspect, but it crashes often. If the screens turns off for awhile and comes back on, statuses of building updates are incomplete or missing. The mini game completely stopped working at level 48. I have had to uninstall the game and reinstall it to get it to launch because it remained frozen on the loading screen. The last issue is decent enough that I will have to abandon the game if it continues. Needs stability.

  • Oliver

    A mixture of tower defense and base management, it's a bit of a mess. To give one example, when someone in your alliance starts to upgrade a building, they can can request help from an ally. But it is entirely unclear what that "help" does. Doesn't seem to affect building time. The game seems to be more focused on giving you shiny buttons to push than actually telling you what they do.

  • Emily

    Not like it's advertised. Game constantly crashes, which will undue actions performed before the crash. It crashes so often, my phone recommended putting the app in a deep sleep. No help when contacting them. You get to a point where you are only competitive when you spend money and are constantly attacked by people trying to steal your supplies.

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