• 4.3

  • 12+ AGE


  • 4.3

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Jul 29, 2022

  • Platform: Android IOS

  • Current Version: 1.0.38

  • Size: 38.80 MB

  • Developer: SQUARE ENIX Co.,Ltd.

  • Ratings: 4.3

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Step into the captivating world of FINAL FANTASY VII, a timeless classic that continues to capture hearts with its enthralling narrative, breathtaking graphics, and iconic characters. Crafted by Square Enix, this legendary role-playing game (RPG) invites you to journey through the futuristic city of Midgar and beyond, where a tale of rebellion, friendship, and destiny unfolds.
What beckons users to FINAL FANTASY VII most is its immersive storytelling and unforgettable characters. Set in a steampunk-inspired world, you follow the story of Cloud Strife and his companions as they strive to thwart the oppressive Shinra Corporation. The allure lies in the intricate relationships you build, the moral choices you make, and the emotional depth of the characters. The game's graphics, a blend of 2D backgrounds and 3D character models, immerse you in the visually stunning universe of FINAL FANTASY VII.
Guide your journey through a mix of exploration, combat, and character development. Engage in turn-based battles that demand strategic thinking and resource management. Customize your party's abilities and equip them with powerful Materia, granting them unique skills and magic. Traverse the expansive world map, uncover hidden secrets, and partake in various side quests that enhance your connection to the narrative.
Among the challenges, the most daunting aspect is mastering the game's intricate Materia system and overcoming formidable adversaries. Balancing the growth of your characters and exploiting enemy weaknesses requires shrewd tactics. The unforgiving battles against powerful foes, including memorable encounters with Sephiroth, push your skills to the limit, demanding a blend of strategy, timing, and adaptability.
FINAL FANTASY VII invites you to relive a timeless RPG masterpiece, where captivating storytelling and breathtaking graphics come together to create an unforgettable adventure. Immerse yourself in a world teeming with vibrant characters, explore intriguing locales, and master the art of combat and customization. Are you ready to wield the Buster Sword, summon powerful magic, and stand against the forces that threaten to engulf the world in chaos?



Please Rate This Game

  • Camila

    Great port of a fantastic game, but there are a few segments where the frame rate is unlocked, which causes a problem on newer devices. The bike mini game is completely unplayable, which makes the boss fight after it a LOT harder. I'm hoping the submarine mini game doesn't have this issue, because failing that has MUCH greater consequences.

  • Savannah

    FF7 is my all-time favorite game of any genre. I have played through the OG probably 10 times or so because of all the different release versions. I cannot recommend it enough. Having said that, I can only give 4 stars. Simply because of this version. There are some simple Mobile QOL features that would have made massive improvement. For example, add a save anywhere option. I understand not having one on a console, but this is mobile for Pete's sake... Controls kinda suck, but layout is fine.

  • Mia

    I have been enjoying this blast from the past! As far as the safe I was able to crack it each time (I died a couple times) within about 5 tries. I switched my controls from the floating toggle to the directional pad so that I could more accurately put in the code. I haven't come across any lag or bugs. The only problem I have is accessing the world map so I can see where I am going.

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