Summoners War

  • 4.2

  • 12+ AGE

Summoners War

  • 4.2

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Jul 28, 2023

  • Platform: Android IOS

  • Current Version: 8.0.6

  • Size: 1.4 GB

  • Developer: Com2uS

  • Ratings: 4.2

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Summoners War is a captivating mobile RPG developed by Com2uS, inviting you to a fantastical realm filled with magic, strategy, and epic battles. Immerse yourself in a world where you become a summoner, wielding powerful creatures to conquer foes, complete quests, and engage in thrilling combat.
What draws users to Summoners War is its vast collection of over 1,000 unique monsters, each possessing distinct abilities and attributes. The game's captivating graphics bring these creatures to life, making battles a visual spectacle. Build your team strategically, combining different monsters to create synergistic strategies. Engage in turn-based combat, utilizing each creature's skills to outwit opponents and claim victory.
Summoners War captivates users with its blend of RPG and strategy elements. You'll find yourself immersed in an intricate web of challenges, quests, and exploration. Discover various game modes, from PvE dungeons to competitive PvP battles. Engage in summoning rituals to acquire new monsters, and then nurture and evolve them to unlock their full potential. Craft runes to enhance your monsters' abilities and customize their strengths to suit your playstyle.
To excel in Summoners War, consider these tips: Team Synergy - Create balanced teams that complement each other's strengths, allowing for versatile strategies in battle. Rune Management - Invest time in optimizing your monsters' runes to boost their performance and effectiveness. Quest Completion - Focus on completing daily quests and missions to earn valuable rewards and experience points. Guild Participation - Join or create a guild to collaborate with others, unlock exclusive content, and participate in guild battles.
The most challenging aspect of Summoners War lies in its high-stakes battles against powerful foes, particularly in PvP arenas. Success requires not only strategic thinking but also a deep understanding of monster strengths, weaknesses, and combat mechanics. As you ascend the ranks and face more formidable opponents, the pressure intensifies. Mastering the game's intricacies and outsmarting other players become vital to securing victory.In conclusion, Summoners War offers an enchanting blend of strategy, collection, and combat, making it a favorite among RPG enthusiasts. With its extensive roster of monsters, engaging gameplay mechanics, and diverse game modes, the game captivates users with an immersive world of magical battles and tactical challenges. Embark on your summoner's journey, conquer dungeons, defeat rivals, and prove your mastery in the exhilarating realm of Summoners War.



Please Rate This Game

  • Julian

    I've literally been playing this game for almost 8 years on and off. It's a lot of fun and they've made grinding a little quicker and less painful with faster battle settings, the ability to upgrade runes and walk away to do other things, and the monster list keeps growing which helps keep it interesting. I'd like to see more random missions or sidequests, possibly as a monthly thing just for the sake of storytelling. Overall it's a wonderfully fun game except for how massive the file is.

  • Willow

    Good game. Lots of strategic options. The AI is dumber than rocks on auto (ie the vast majority of the game). They sabotage the units by having them not use their second and third skills when they are available. It kinda evens out as you will win as many matches as you loose because of dumb AI. It's a bit frustrating though to watch a unit that you've invested time and effort into not do what it's supposed to do.

  • Owen

    Ive been playing this game off and on since 2015. I've paid for some things, I've earned others. Every time I take a break and come back, I'm mostly impressed with the upgrades and improvements in addition to the graphics being stunning since the beginning. You can get a LOT of earned rewards in this game, and I can find none like it. I've tried other games, but this one always wins. I can switch guilds, change my focus in the game, it really is user friendly.

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