AFK Journey

  • 4.9

  • 12+ AGE

AFK Journey

  • 4.9

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Apr 13, 2024

  • Platform: IOS

  • Current Version: 1.1.138

  • Size: 1.4 GB

  • Developer: Farlight Games

  • Ratings: 4.9

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The game "AFK Journey" is like an adventure full of surprises. After entering the game, you will play the protagonist and choose your career. In addition, you can also cooperate with other players to challenge, and more importantly, there are many unexpected storylines in the game waiting for you to unlock!
In this cool fantasy world, you will be the chosen one chosen by destiny. Missions require you to find artifacts that appear on the leaderboards and save the entire world. From the Elf Forest to the Abyss of the Dead, to the City in the Sky and the Undersea Kingdom, every place is as beautiful as a dream!
In the game, you, the player, can freely choose the character profession according to your personal preferences: swordsman, mage, ranger or summoner. Each profession has cool skills and unique fighting methods. The game contains multiple different story lines and endings, allowing us to complete various tasks to start a new adventure experience and write a heroic legend of our own!
In addition to single-player adventures in the game, you can actually team up with other players for real-time PK, guild confrontation, and cooperative copy adventures.
Character career options:
The game "AFK Journey" is simply a super exciting adventure party! Not only can you choose a cool profession according to your own wishes - such as a swordsman who swings his sword like the wind, or a mage who can call upon the wind and rain, or a ranger whose arrows are flawless, or even a summoner who commands mythical beasts, Each one allows you to have a great time.
Exploration and Adventure:
Exploring this game world is like opening a three-dimensional fantasy novel, with new surprises in every chapter. Imagine that you are wandering around the bustling city for a while, and in the next moment you step into a mysterious forest that is not even marked on the map. What is hidden in it? Treasure? monster? Or a lost civilization? It all depends on your feet to measure and your eyes to discover!
Strategic battle:
Speaking of fighting, it is a double test of brain power and operation. Just like the rock-paper-scissors we played when we were kids, fire can burn wood, water can extinguish fire, wind can blow away sand, and earth can block wind. You have to flexibly use these natural laws to teach the enemy an elemental lesson. Moreover, there are super cool skill combos in the battle, one move after another, leaving the opponent unable to fight back!
Plot exploration:
In terms of plot, you are the director and star of your own story. Every choice you make is like playing with the dominoes of fate. If you knock down one domino, the subsequent story line will change dramatically. Chatting with an NPC may reveal a shocking secret; taking on a seemingly inconspicuous task may lead to a legendary path.
The most exciting thing is that this game is not just your one-man show. You can compete with other players in the online arena to see whose operations are more awesome; join a guild and fight in groups with brothers and sisters. The feeling of fighting side by side cannot be more exciting; or form a team and go In those dungeons that are so difficult that it makes people grit their teeth, fight for the legendary equipment and supreme glory!



Please Rate This Game

  • one

    This game is very fun! Different professions have different ways to play, I like it very much!

  • rich

    The character designs in the game are rich and diverse, and each character has unique skills and characteristics. Players can choose and cultivate according to their own preferences and game needs. The introduced strategic combat system makes every battle full of challenge and fun. Players need to properly match characters and use their skills to defeat powerful enemies.

  • ourn

    I’ve played AFK Arena for a few years now, I really enjoy the art style and the character designs. I was so hyped when they announced AFK Journey . I’m really enjoying the game so far.

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