• 4.5

  • 12+ AGE


  • 4.5

  • 12+ AGE


  • Last Updated: Aug 1, 2023

  • Platform: Android IOS

  • Current Version: 110.8.14

  • Size: 302.7 MB

  • Developer: Level Infinite

  • Ratings: 4.5

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GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE is a captivating mobile game that takes you on a mythological adventure filled with divine battles, epic quests, and stunning visuals. Developed by Envision Games, this action-packed role-playing game transports you to a realm inspired by ancient mythology, where you become a powerful warrior tasked with restoring balance and defeating formidable foes.
What draws users to GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE is its immersive gameplay experience. The game boasts stunning graphics that bring mythical creatures, heroes, and landscapes to life. Engage in thrilling real-time battles, showcasing your combat skills and strategic thinking. The dynamic combat mechanics and fluid animations make each encounter exciting and visually appealing. As you progress, you'll unlock new abilities, gear, and companions, enhancing your character's strength and abilities.
The allure of the game lies in its captivating storyline and intriguing quests. Explore a rich narrative that unfolds as you journey through diverse landscapes, encounter mystical creatures, and uncover ancient secrets. Engaging in quests and battles grants you valuable resources, experience, and treasures to enhance your character's growth. Collect and train companions to fight by your side, each with unique abilities and roles to complement your playstyle.
To excel in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, consider these tips: Choose your allies wisely - assemble a team of companions with diverse skills to tackle different challenges. Upgrade and refine - enhance your character's gear, abilities, and companions regularly to stay competitive. Strategize in battles - master the art of timing and positioning to optimize your attacks and defenses. Join forces - participate in guilds or alliances to access exclusive content, engage in cooperative battles, and receive additional rewards.
The most demanding aspect of GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE lies in conquering the formidable bosses and overcoming challenging levels. These encounters require strategic planning, precise execution, and a deep understanding of your character's abilities. Furthermore, the game's evolving difficulty curve and competitive player-versus-player modes offer a constant test of your skills and adaptability. Embrace the challenge, refine your strategies, and ascend to become a legendary warrior in the mythical realm of GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE.



Please Rate This Game

  • Madeline

    Devs have shown they are willing to listen, to a point. I still think the game could be a little more light spender/f2p friendly. But they have made adjustments in the right direction for the health of the game. Adjusting solo raid rewards, SP arena rewards, adding pity boxes to Special Interception. There has been some QOL changes and it's for the better.

  • Cameron

    Game has heavily improved over the past 6 months. Gameplay, graphics and art are all solid. What really carries this game is the story and music which are both phenomenal. I really only have two complaints. One being the translation quality for English. Which is readily apparent even in the new event. I dont see how some of these mistakes get through into the live version. They just need to be a little more attentive for now on. I also think the pricing for skins is a little high.

  • Lydia

    Great game but I'm unsure why I'm still playing. I picked up the game only to see Modernia's story but for some reason I haven't quit yet. I haven't felt the need to spend money and I can comfortably get most banner units with just the event rewards. Dailies are pretty enjoyable and there's a lot of bonus character development within the advise system. Lastly, there's no stamina system! Progress as far as your team can take you!

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